Error Makes Cleaver Accademy 🚀

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an organization where people do a particular type of scientific, educational, or social work, or the buildings that it uses: the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Fewer examples.

Full Stack Web Development Course | Error Makes Clever | 90 Days
A full-stack developer is a person who builds and maintains the front-end and back-end of a website or application. The front-end is the parts of a website that a user sees and interacts with, while the back-end is the data storage and processing that happens behind the scenes

A full-stack developer is a developer or engineer who can build both the front end and the back end of a website. The front end (the parts of a website a user sees and interacts with) and the back end (the behind-the-scenes data storage and processing) require different skill sets.

Let's divide full-stack into three type

Technologies used for full-stack Development

front-end back-end data base
csspythonmy sql
java.scnode jsaws

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